Publicaties 2007

Titel: La Criminalistique ou la longue poursuite d'une vérité difficile à saisir
Auteurs: Leriche, Anne
Referentie: "Cent ans de publication de droit pénal et de criminologie - Le centenaire de la RDPC, RDPC, La Charte", Bosly, H., La Charte, Bruxelles, 241 – 289, 2007

DNA Index System

Titel: Het Nationaal Instituut voor Criminologie en Criminalistiek – De laatste hoop’
Auteurs: De Poot, D. (gebaseerd op een interview met De Greef, Christine)
Referentie: "Als de doden een gezicht krijgen", De Poot, D. & De Winne, J., Van Halewyck, Leuven (2007)

Genetische Identificatie

Titel: Identification of West Eurasian mitochondrial haplogroups by mtDNA SNP screening: Results of the 2006-2007 EDNAP collaborative exercise
Auteurs: Parson, W. et al. (12 laboratories including INCC/ Desmyter, Stijn)
Referentie: Forensic Science International Genetics, 2, 61-68, 2007

Titel: DNA polymorphisms and Genetic markers
Auteurs: Desmyter, Stijn
Referentie: Communication orale au 5th congress of the Eur. Assoc. for Forensic Entomology, Brussels, 25/05/2007

Titel: Influence of the electrophoresis-resequencing method on the forensic mtDNA profiling quality
Auteurs: Desmyter, Stijn; Hoste, Bernadette
Referentie: Forensic Science International Genetics, 1, 199-200, 2007


Titel: Thermally induced changes in textile colour
Auteurs: De Wael, Kris; Van Vaerenbergh, Gino
Referentie: Global forensic Science Today, issue 3, 22-25, 2007


Titel: Detection of diazepam in urine, hair and preserved oral fluid samples with LC-MS-MS after single and repeated administration of Myolastan ® and Valium ®
Auteurs: Laloup, Marleen; Ramírez-Fernández, Maria; Wood, Michelle; Maes, V.; De Boeck, Gert; Vanbeckevoort, Yvan; Samyn, Nele
Referentie: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 388(7):1545-56, 2007

Titel: Bioanalytical procedures for determination of drugs of abuse in oral fluid
Auteurs: Samyn, Nele; Laloup, Marleen; De Boeck, Gert
Referentie: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 388(7):1437-53, 2007

Titel: High-throughput on-line solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous analysis of 14 antidepressants and their metabolites in plasma
Auteurs: De Castro, Ana; Ramírez-Fernández, Maria; Laloup, Marleen; Samyn, Nele; De Boeck, Gert; Wood, Michelle; Maes, Viviane; López-Rivadulla, Manuel
Referentie: Journal of Chromatography A. 10, 1160(1-2):3-12, 2007

Titel: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous analysis of multiple hallucinogens, chlorpheniramine, ketamine, ritalinic acid, and metabolites, in urine
Auteurs: Ramírez-Fernández, Maria; Laloup, Marleen; Wood, Michelle; De Boeck, Gert; López-Rivadulla, Manuel; Wallemacq, Pierre; Samyn, Nele
Referentie: Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 31(8):497-504, 2007